Apple, Microsoft group to sell Nortel patents

The Rockstar Consortium -- made up of several tech companies, including Apple and Microsoft -- is aiming to sell off a portion of its hard-sought wireless patents, Bloomberg
reported Monday.
Unnamed sources told the publication that Rockstar is "holding discussions" to sell off the Nortel Networks patents, largely related to wireless technology, because it hasn't been able to broadly license them. Patent holders can make money by licensing the use of patented technology to other companies.
The consortium, which also includes BlackBerry, Ericsson, and Sony, fought off Google topurchase 6,000 Nortel patents in 2011 for $4.5 billion.
The patents cover technology related to wireless, wireless 4G, data networking, optical, voice, Internet, and semiconductors. Rockstar recently filed suit against Google and other smartphone makers like Samsung and HTC over the patents.

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