Two more Apple acquisitions have reportedly been unearthed today by 9to5Mac. The first is of Catch, a note-taking app similar to Evernote that was likely acquired back in July, and the second is BroadMap. The BroadMap acquisition seems more complicated, however, as the company maintains that it still exists and operates separately from Apple, despite much of its staff having moved to Apple according to their LinkedIn profiles.
Apple issued a statement to AllThingsD, but it only contains its boilerplate response to these requests, which is essentially a non-committal ‘we make acquisitions but we don’t talk about them’ comment. Ordinarily, that’s enough to consider the acquisition confirmed: Apple generaly won’t discuss anything at all in cases where there’s smoke but no fire. But this time, BroadMap took the unusual tack of denying an acquisition outright via its official Twitter profile (since removed).

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