HTC provides details on the software update process

In the past one of my major concerns with HTC was the lack of timely software updates. They have done a great job with the HTC One, bringing Android 4.3 soon after release with 4.4 coming soon.
HTC launched a new website, HTC Software Updates, that includes the status of current devices along with a full diagram of the entire update process. I knew there were a lot of parties involved at different stages, but didn't know the process was as complicated as it is. It is also quite clear that carriers have a lot of influence on the update process.
The diagram and detailed information should help give us all a better understanding and maybe a bit more patience when it comes to receiving updates. I see my T-Mobile HTC One is currently in the integration phase with certification and push to customer stages still to come.
(Image: HTC)
Via: ZDNet

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