Smartwatch will be in vogue at this year's show. Is that a bad thing for their makers?
This year's Consumer Electronics Show will see dozens upon dozens of wearable technology products vie to become this year's breakout device.
And most -- if not all -- will be forgotten in the coming months.
That's because when all the booths are taken down, the convention lights are dimmed, and the last of the tech executives board their flights, we all finally escape the reality-distortion field that is Las Vegas and CES.

A look back at past confabs shows that the hot item at CES is a leading indicator of failure for the rest of that year. Remember how 3D televisions were supposed to be all the rage? Or when ultrabooks were a thing? Not only does garnering hype at CES not guarantee success, it's become almost an omen of ill fortune.
This year, it's universally agreed upon that wearable tech is the trend for CES, which means there will be a lot of also-rans and me-too products alongside a few gems that may or may not get noticed. The Consumer Electronics Show is a hectic and frenetic place -- we have only so much time to devote to any given product.
Chances are, that blockbuster product won't be found at the show.
"I do believe that we will have wearables that break through to mainstream consumers this year, and I'll be watching for it at CES, but I'm not necessarily expecting to find it," said Avi Greengart, an analyst for Current Analysis.
Via : CNET
Image Credit: Sarah Tew/CNET

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